
Thursday, 4 October 2012

How to Customize the Windows Explorer in Windows XP?

Windows Explorer is a file manager application to navigate files and folders and also to copy and paste or move the files from one folder to another, released with the Microsoft Windows operating system from Windows 95 onwards. Generally, when opens Windows Explorer it opens by default for C: drive in Windows 95 and 98, but in XP it opens ‘My documents’ folder and user’s folders like ‘My pictures’, ‘My music’, etc by default. Many users have a habit to use root drive to open in explorer. But in XP they cannot open like that. But XP has provided one built in facility to change the view of Windows Explorer. Users can customize their windows explorer as they want.

Usually, user can get Windows Explore from Start menu, All Programs, Accessories and then Windows Explorer. When Windows Explorer get opened it shows My Document at front opening, but user can set its opening view as per desire like root directory or C: drive from making change in Properties. To make change click on Start menu, All Programs, Accessories and then right click on Windows Explorer and go to Properties from context menu. In Properties window, on Shortcut bar, in Target field, you can add your drive specification suffix to the target path. For example, you want to change default view to such as the root C: drive. By default target is %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe, you should type in target field as %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /root, C:\. Click OK and save your changes. It will take that by default target as C: drive and will open C drive while clicked on Windows Explore.

One another thing is when explorer opens it shows standard default view of the files and folders in that folder. You can customize the folder as display type means list view, details, tiles, thumbnails, etc, columns to be displayed by particular order, widths of the visible columns, sorting order and file groupings. Explorer windows content can be customized in various ways. You can make some settings from ‘View’ menu. In the View menu you can customize by choosing how the list of files and folders will be displayed. You can choose how files and folders will be arranged. Usually the standard arrangement is by “Name” sorted alphabetically. You can arrange it by choosing Modified to sort the files for finding the most recent files. In the Details view in Explorer, you can get expanded the amount of information about a file.

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